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Our Members


CIFC currently has 24 Korea’s public and
private financial institutions and
financial associations as its members.

5 Korea's financial associations strengthen bases for global financial cooperation
by sharing useful information from association members.



KFB is the sole banking association in Korea, representing 22 full members and 36 associate members. The KFB is working closely with members for the purposes of elevating public trust in the banking industry, and to further the industry's role as a core driver of the national economy.



KOFIA is a trade association and a self-regulatory organization representing the financial investment industry. It was established to ensure that members observe fair business practices. It prioritizes investor protection and the sound development of the industry. KOFIA has 312 regualr members, consisting of securities, asset management, futures and real estate trust firms.



KLIA was founded to facilitate growth and development of the life insurance industry by enhancing the interests of and cooperation among its members, protecting stakeholders' rights, maintaining market discipline, and thereby promoting a healthier life insurance industry culture.



GIAK is established to foster sound development of the Korean general insurance industry through maintaining the market order and upholding the rights of both its members and insurance policyholders.



CREFIA is a non-profit organization with the members of Specialized Credit Finance Business Companies, such as Credit Card, Leasing, Installment Financing and Venture Capital companies. CREFIA efforts to establish a sound development of the Specialized Credit Finance Business through constructive cooperation, informaition sharing, research and education.